Events Gallery
Enjoy some of the special events and activities that go on at our school.

Years 2 and 3 visit Mary Arden’s Farm
Our pupils learnt about William Shakespeare, his writings and his life in an all immersive day at Mary Arden’s Farm in Stratford upon Avon. Pupils had a real Tudor Farm experience at the stunning setting - the childhood home of William Shakespeare's mother. Using...

Anti-Bullying Week
The week began with Odd Socks Day on Monday 11th - thanks to everyone who participated in this event to celebrate the many differences there are between us all. In our school assembly we covered the theme for 2024 which is 'Choose Respect.' The assembly showed us all...

Reception Welcome Celebration
Reception pupils had a wonderful celebration with staff and family members to mark their first term at school. Mrs Cape led a beautiful prayer service in the classroom where all pupils were given a special certificate and a Bible to take home. After this, families...

Year 6 Alton Castle Residential
From Monday 7th to Wednesday 9th October, the children from Year 6 visited Alton Castle, Staffordshire for a residential, spiritual retreat. The castle’s beautiful setting gives an opportunity for us to go out into the countryside, encountering Christ through...

Black History Month
The theme for Black History Month was 'Reclaiming Narratives', and its main aim is to recognise and correct the narratives of Black history and culture. This theme underscores a commitment to correcting historical inaccuracies and showcasing the untold success stories...

First Aid Workshops
Our Year 5 and 6 pupils learnt some essential life skills as they engaged in our annual First Aid workshops. Pupils learnt to carry out CPR and deal with choking, deal with head injuries, burns, breaks, bleeding, asthma attacks and allergic reactions. Everyone worked...

School of Sanctuary Award Assembly
It was a great honour to welcome Barbara and Denise from Birmingham Schools of Sanctuary who visited school to present us with our School of Sanctuary Award. Our journey began in Autumn 2021 when we joined with other schools in the Tolkien Cluster in finding out more...

Spring Trips and Workshops
We are so blessed here at St. Jude’s to get out and about on trips to enhance our learning. During the Spring Term, there have many wonderful outings and school workshops!

World Book Day
As usual, World Book Day was a huge success at St. Jude’s. There were so many wonderful costumes worn by pupils and staff. We had excellent workshops run by Class Act Theatrix where some pupils read play scripts and others took on the role of fairy story characters....

Reading Workshops
Parents attended ‘Reading’ workshops and they were so well attended! The aim was to give everyone the confidence and knowledge to support children as they learn to read. Pupils loved having their parents and other family members join them in school. This was a...