Extra Curricular Activities
School Clubs
At St. Jude’s we have a wide range of clubs which run after school for our pupils after school. Many run free of charge whilst those run by outside providers are capped at £2 per session.
The clubs are always popular with the children are enjoyed by all. Some run half termly whilst others are one off sessions where parents are invited to join in too.
Clubs offered include:
- Cookery
- Board Games
- Ball Skills
- Football Skills
- Dodgeball
- Handball
- Athletics
- Arts and Crafts
- Library
- Chess
- Homework
We make computers and our Library available for use in Homework Club
Cookery Club is always popular
Parents come to some of our after school clubs
Anyone for a game of chess?
Breakfast Club
School also runs its own Breakfast Club daily.
We work hard to keep costs down so that it is affordable for our parents. The club runs from 7.30am for the cost of £3.00 per day (breakfast provided). If a child comes at 8.15am or afterwards, it is just £1.50 (breakfast not provided).
There are plenty of things to do at Breakfast Club, including early morning sports. Our Sports Coach works with pupils in the club twice a week.
Hoop throwing games with friends
Games and other activities are popular
Our Breakfast Club Crew are a happy bunch!
After School Provision
Our After School Provision is onsite at school and is run by Central Education. The club runs until 6.00pm daily. Places must be booked in advance.
See their website for more information and to book: Central Education Wraparound Care