St Jude's Catholic Primary School
St. Jude's Catholic Primary School


The aim of the Governor team at our school is to work with the staff in helping the children achieve their full potential in a happy, caring environment.

We do this in four main ways:

  • Monitoring the performance and progress of our children.
  • Working with the staff to help them teach and care for our children.
  • Deciding on how the resources of the school are best used.
  • Planning ahead so that the performance of our children and our school continues to improve.

To deliver this effectively the Governor team members are representative of all the key groups involved in our school – the Parents, the Staff, the Local Authority and the Church. Some are appointed and some are elected. All serve for a term of four years.

We meet together at least once a term as a whole team, and in three sub groups focused on Finance and Staffing, Premises (including Health and Safety), and the Curriculum. In addition we each have a specialist subject that we take particular interest in (eg. Numeracy, Literacy) and we are linked to a class.

We are always keen to hear your views, so please feel free to contact any of us directly via the school office. We look forward to a continued successful partnership with you.

Dawn Thompson
Chair of Governors

Pupil Leaders meeting with School Governors to share their experiences and make suggestions

Governing Body Members

NameType of Governor
Mrs Dawn ThompsonChair of Governors, Foundation Governor
Deacon David FairbothamVice-Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor
Mrs Samantha CaseyFoundation Governor
Mr Toby DuckworthFoundation Governor
Mrs Maria LaugharneFoundation Governor
(vacancy)Foundation Governor
(vacancy)LA Governor
Ms Natalie ColeParent Governor
Mrs Marianne KeelingParent Governor
Mrs Bernadette SmithHead Teacher
Mr Damien McGarrigleStaff Governor