Ofsted Inspection
Our school was last inspected by Ofsted in November 2022. We are pleased to report that we remain a good school.
The following key points were noted:
- Leaders have ensured St. Jude’s Catholic Primary School is a thoroughly safe and caring place to learn.
- The school’s Christian values are at its heart.
- Pupils know that there is always an adult to talk to. Bullying is very rare, and staff resolve disagreements quickly when they do occur.
- Pupils learn about a wide range of cultures and traditions. They show respect towards each other and adults.
- Pupils behave well in lessons and at social times.
- Pupils become articulate and enthusiastic learners.
- Leaders make sure that staff are well trained in safeguarding so that they are well placed to identify pupils at risk. They take the right actions to help any pupils who are vulnerable.
- Leaders have planned learning well across the whole curriculum.
- Leaders are ambitious for what pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), can achieve. They prepare pupils well for learning in secondary school.
You can read the full report below:
- Ofsted Inspection Report – November 2022

RE Inspection
Our last RE Inspection at St. Jude’s was in January 2023. A new national framework published by the Catholic Schools Inspectorate is now used. What was once known as a Section 48 Inspection is now known as a CSI Inspection.
An inspection under the National Framework makes judgements on the Catholic life and mission of the school, religious education, and collective worship.
We are delighted to say that the judgements for the provision in all three of these areas at St. Jude’s are good.
The Diocesan Inspector noted that:
- There is an unwavering commitment to the most vulnerable pupils and families, all staff go above and beyond to understand their needs. The deep rooted sense of welcome and wellbeing is driven by the head teacher who is an inspiring and faith filled leader. The school lives out its faith in the community, reaching out to families at all levels.
- The physical environment enhances the spiritual development and formation of the pupils and staff; there is an ambience of calm and respect.
- Pupils are fully engaged in prayer and liturgy; they show reverence and respond appropriately to the opportunities given. This is reflected in their general behaviour around school. They feel safe and cared for. The prayer life for pupils at St. Jude’s is enriched by many Catholic traditions.
- The values and virtues of the Catholic School Pupil Profile are living and breathing in all parts of school life including the curriculum. Pupils have a good understanding of how to live these out in their lives.
- Commitment to the professional development and induction of all staff including those new to the school, resulting in a high sense of belonging, a confidence and sense of wellbeing; staff feel supported. The subject leader is passionate about religious education in the school and a good role model in terms of display and strong personal practice.
- Catholic tradition is rooted in school life. The head teacher is passionate about her faith; sharing it openly with the school community. Staff are committed to the life and mission of the school. One member of staff said that St. Jude’s is a ‘pocket of gold’.
- Parents value all that the school does to support them and their children both personally and spiritually. They recognise the deep sense of faith and Catholic values that underpin everything.
You can read the full report below:
- Catholic Schools Inspectorate Report – January 2023
Basic Skills Quality Mark Programme
Our school was assessed for the Basic Skills Quality Mark in June 2021 and we were delighted to be re-awarded the Quality Mark.
The Assessor noted that:
- The Head Teacher and Senior Leaders have a clear vision for the role the school plays in the education of the whole child. Their calm but firm approach to codes of behaviour and developing positive attitudes to learning are very well supported by all the staff.
- Provision is well planned and pupil progress is thoroughly assessed.
- The leadership team ensures that staff access Professional Development opportunities, which impact directly on pupils and their performance.
- The school is continuing to develop a curriculum that encourages the children to become independent learners.
- The school has a plan in place and a catch-up intervention curriculum to support pupils with identified learning gaps due to the lock-down and periods of self-isolation.
You can read the full report and covering letter below:
- Basic Skills Quality Mark Covering Letter – July 2021
- Basic Skills Quality Mark Summary Report – June 2021