Year 4
Welcome to Year 4.
In Year 4, we take our learning very seriously and we strive to ensure that we live out our Mission Statement to the best of our ability every day. We enjoy a wide curriculum of English and Mathematics, History, Geography, RE, PE, Art, Music, DT, Computing and PSHE. We really enjoy learning about volcanoes, Ancient Greece and what it was like in Britain when it was part of the Roman Empire
In addition to regular participation at Mass, we are given the opportunity to conduct and lead our own prayer services for our class. Our prayer focus is the focal point of our classroom, dressed in accordance to the colours and meaning of the liturgical seasons and we take responsibility for looking after this.
To enhance the Year 4 curriculum, we can look forward to several trips throughout the year. These trips really bring to life our learning and help us understand in a deeper way.
We all have the opportunity to learn the clarinet within our Music lessons and we can choose to carry this on next year.
Our Learning
Find out about our learning in Year 4:

Pupils are well supported by adults

Pupils at St. Jude's are good at working together