Early Help
At St. Jude’s Catholic Primary School, we aim to work closely with our parents and carers, as well the special community that is Druids Heath, in order to provide the best outcomes for our children.
Working closely with a number of agencies, we aim to support families, in a variety of ways. This may include signposting to external agencies or offering support within school.
Please speak to Mrs Orton in school for support, help or advice or email enquiry@stjuderc.bham.sch.uk. Her working days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
What we offer:
- A warm welcome to school for pupils and their families each morning; there are always senior staff members and other support staff in the playground and at entrances.
- A school that is open for all pupils from 8.45am with time to settle and prepare for teaching and learning.
- A school run Breakfast Club with intentionally low fees making it accessible to all.
- An understanding approach to the difficulties anyone can experience in life and attempts to remove barriers through internal support and signposting.
- Visual timetables reinforcing routines enabling continuity and familiarity.
- Quiet spaces in school and in the playground.
- A broad and balanced curriculum with experiences to enhance learning and after school provision in sport, arts and education.
- Adapted teaching to meet the needs of all pupils.
- A celebration of each child’s unique characteristics and their successes.
- A safe space to champion to voice of the child.
What support do families request in school?
A number of families seeks support and advice for a number of issues including: domestic abuse, mental health issues, housing concerns, financial worries and debts, morning routines, toilet training, managing screen time, bereavement and loss, cyber bullying and a wide range of other things.
What is an Early Help Assessment?
One of the ways that we can support children and families is through an Early Help Assessment, which is currently the assessment process used by the Local Authority. The school can make this request for support but parents can make it themselves if they prefer. Following our discussion and assessment, families may be supported by a range of professionals from within school and beyond.
In addition to Early Help Assessments, we can offer lots of support in other ways. We want to help families is as many ways as we can and Mrs Orton has such a wealth of knowledge and experience, she is well-equipped to support.
See the following websites for more information about Early Help in Birmingham:
- SEND Birmingham: Parents and Carers
- Birmingham Children’s Partnership: Resources – including a link to refer yourself for Early Help
There are a number of organisations that families might find as useful contacts for support with specific areas:
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Online Parenting Skills
Domestic Abuse
Problems with Drugs and Alcohol
- Change Grow Live: Drug and Alcohol Service, Birmingham
- Alcoholics Anonymous: Find a Meeting
- Talk to Frank: Honest Information About Drugs
Gaining children’s views, wishes and feelings is central to our Safeguarding policy, and the safeguarding team may also carry out some direct work with children completing the ‘3 houses’ sheet to discuss any worries a pupil may have, things that are positive for them and their dreams for the future.